Source: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Applications open October 30 for the 2023 Canada-Alberta Drought Livestock Assistance program, providing livestock producers with up to $165 million to maintain breeding herds.
The governments of Alberta and Canada are partnering on the 2023 Canada-Alberta...
Source: OMAFRA
The Ontario government is launching the Veterinary Incentive Program to encourage newly licensed veterinarians to practice in northern and underserviced communities. The program intake opens today and will provide grants of up to $50,000 over five years to...
Source: Canadian Cattle Association (CCA)
Today, the Canadian Cattle Association (CCA) together with Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) and the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) hosted an independent pre-COP28 dialogue on climate adaptation through sustainable livestock systems. The event explored bridging...
Source: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
The governments of Alberta and Canada are providing $165 million to support livestock producers affected by drought and extreme growing conditions.
Alberta’s livestock producers are vital to the province’s economy. It has been a tough growing...
Source: Government of Alberta
“There are several management considerations to make when deciding where and how to best utilize available manure and compost resources,” says Trevor Wallace, nutrient management specialist with the Alberta government. “Knowing the rules and using the...
Source: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Today, the Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, announced that the Government of Canada has allocated $219 million through the AgriRecovery Framework to support farmers and ranchers in Western Canada who are dealing...
Source: The Canadian Cattle Association (CCA)
The Canadian Cattle Association (CCA) and National Cattle Feeders’ Association (NCFA) are pleased to support in principle, Member of Parliament (MP) Kody Blois’ Bill C-359, An Act to amend the Feeds Act, the Seeds...
Source: National Farm Animal Care Council, Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Beef Cattle, Appendix C
The basis of a cow–calf enterprise is a healthy cow with a healthy nursing calf. Knowing when and how to help...
There hasn’t been a noticeable shift in the underlying trend of farmland values in the first half of 2023. Even if higher interest rates are slowly eroding buyers' purchasing power, limited availability of farmland for sale is generally still...
Source: RDAR
RDAR Investment of $2.4M in three projects leveraged to $19.7M with Genome Canada and regional partners
RDAR (Results Driven Agriculture Research) announced the investment of $2.4M in three Accelerating Agriculture Innovation projects which target Climate SMART Agriculture and Food...