Source: Pennsylvania State University Providing proper nutrition to your market steer is very important for that steer to reach its full potential at the market steer show. Making sure that the steer receives appropriate protein, energy, and minerals allows the...
Source: Government of Alberta Feed barley prices have been slipping lower despite the dry conditions across much of Alberta, B.C. and Saskatchewan. “Barley is the feed grain of choice for most Alberta cattle feeders,” says Neil Blue, provincial crops market analyst...
Source: University of Minnesota Extension Quick facts Forage sampling is important to maximize forage utilization and animal performance. Ideally forages should be sampled soon after harvest as well as prior to feeding. Visual assessments should be used along with forage...
Source: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry What is vitamin E? Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that is required for animal growth, to maintain immune function, animal health, and prevent muscular dystrophy in young calves. Do feeds have adequate amounts of vitamin E? Current...
Source: North Dakota State University John Dhuyvetter, Area Extension Livestock Specialist North Central Research Extension Center Beef cows are generally wintered most economically on rations consisting primarily of roughage. Grain, however, provides a concentrated highly digestible source of energy that can be fed...
Resiliency of Asia Pacific region supported by new innovations in feed technology New solutions and strategies for ‘stacking technologies’ are set to open new doors of opportunity for livestock industries across the Asia Pacific region. The latest innovations are showcased at...
Source: University of Queensland A research team led by the University of Queensland has developed a tool to help the global beef industry simultaneously reduce costs and greenhouse gas emissions while meeting demand for meat. The team assessed the economic and...
Source: North Dakota State University Testing forage and feed for nutrient quality provides ranchers with the knowledge of what nutrients they are supplying to their cattle on a daily basis. All living things require nutrients for survival. The most basic of...
Source: Government of Alberta Should I purchase feed for my livestock based on protein content or energy content? Depending on the type of animal you are feeding will help you decide if energy or protein are more important. Generally, maintenance rations...
Rising use of non-traditional soybean ingredients comes with risk, says feed expert. As cost pressures across the feed industry drive more feed producers and farmers to alternative soybean ingredients, more awareness is needed on the risk of exposure to trypsin...
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