Beef genomic prediction trial


Source: Beef Genomic Prediction Trial

About the project:

The beef genomic prediction trial project is a pilot project funded by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) in collaboration with Livestock Gentec, University of Alberta and Delta Genomics Edmonton. The objective of the project is to promote adoption of genomic prediction tool in beef cattle in order to improve beef production efficiency and quality through genomic selection in Canada.

The beef genomic prediction trial project aims to predict genetic merit of selection candidates based on 50,000 DNA markers (SNPs) using a reference population of 9,000 heads of Canadian beef cattle. The data were collected under multiple projects funded by Alberta Funding Consortium, Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency, Alberta Innovates Biosolutions, Western Economic Development, Genome Canada, and Genome Alberta, and supported through in-kind and cash contributions from Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Beef Cattle Research Council, University of Alberta, Beefbooster Inc., Deseret Ranches of Alberta, Three Cross Ranches, Namaka Farms, Growsafe Systems Inc., University of Guelph, Canadian Angus Association, Canadian Charolais Association, and Canadian Hereford Association. Currently, the project can predict genetic merit or molecular EPD (expected progeny difference) for the following traits:

  • Feed efficiency: Dry matter intake, residual feed intake (RFI);

  • Growth: Average daily gain
  • Carcass traits: Carcass weight, lean meat yield, rib-eye area, back fat thickness and marbling;

The beef genomic prediction trial project will provide half of the SNP genotyping costs for 500 selected beef cattle and free genomic prediction. Participants of 500 selected beef cattle will needed to pay another half of the SNP genotyping cost and will receive SNP genotype data and genomic prediction results (molecular EPD) for the above feed efficiency, growth and carcass merit traits.

If you are interested in predicting genetic merit of your cattle via this trial project, please create an account, login in and submit your animal information. Once selected, you will be contacted via email on how to mail your animals’ materials for DNA marker genotyping and your shared costs.

For general enquiry or information, please click “Contact Us” .


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