Stress during the transition of beef steers from ranch to feedlot may depend on steer source and preconditioning. The interplay between physiological and behavioral patterns of preconditioned (PC) and auction-derived (AD) steers, particularly after commingling, is poorly understood....
Source: South Dakota State University Extension
Clay J. Carlson, Christina E. Bakker, Keith R. Underwood, Amanda D. Blair, Judson K. Grubbs
Rationale and Approach
Proteolysis is the breakdown or degradation of proteins that causes meat to become more tender as it ages....
Source: University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Dempster M. Christenson, research technician and graduate student
Jordan M. Thomas, assistant professor, Animal Science (University of Missouri)
Daniel J. Kelly, producer, Sutherland, NE
Rick N. Funston, full professor, animal science, West Central Research and Extension Center, North Platte,...
Source: University of Tennessee
Abstract: Replacement heifer development is one of the most critical components in beef production. The composition of the ideal uterine environment could maximize fertility and reproductive efficiency. Our hypothesis was that protein supplementation would affect the...
Source: BCRC,
Project Title: Validation of Rapid Evaporative Ionization Mass Spectrometry (REIMS) for Tenderness Prediction
Researchers: Jerrad Legako, Texas Tech University, Heather Bruce (University of Alberta), Ben Bohrer (University of Guelph), Dale Woerner (Texas Tech University), Tyson Brown (Cargill Meat...
Weaning beef calves can be a stressful process that affects their health and performance. This study explored ways to reduce stress and improve outcomes by testing four weaning strategies and the impact of shipment timing. Researchers evaluated 288 calves...
Source: Oklahoma State University
Research has shown that the young calf is the most at risk for vitamin A deficiency in cow-calf systems. Vitamin A plays several important roles in the body, one of which is immune function. Marginal deficiencies...
Source: Science Direct
This research investigated digital technology adoption in the Canadian beef farming industry. The study was carried out from the point of view of two different stakeholders, farmers and veterinarians, to understand current perceptions, level of awareness, and...
Source: Oklahoma State University
Liver abscesses are the most common reason for liver condemnation in beef processors.1 . The average incidence of liver abscesses ranges from 12 to 30% 2, 3 but can be as high as 90%.4 Liver abscesses...
A recent study from the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) shows that the digestive process in cattle neutralizes cheatgrass seeds, effectively preventing them from germinating into new plants. This research challenges the widespread belief that cattle are responsible for...