USDA’s January Cattle Inventory report shed some much-needed light on the state of the cattle industry in the United States. USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) previously published two semiannual reports on the total inventory of cattle and calves...
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For those interested I hold a weekly livestock webinar on Tuesdays and my next webinar...
All eyes are on Washington, DC this week as a new president is sworn in, and a new government takes power. The new administration will bring many changes both known and unknown – and a big concern for Canada...
(Photo: Madison Kovarna, SDSU Extension)
Minerals are an important piece to the cattle herd nutrition puzzle. Supplementation method is important to examine, as mineral supplementation is another cost in maintaining a herd. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of pre-made...
If you would like to receive more information on the commodity markets, please use the link to join our email list – Sign Up Now
For those interested I hold a weekly livestock webinar on Tuesdays and my next webinar...
A few years ago, I used to smile a little when my wife complained that our house was too cold at 64°. Now I find myself sneaking over to the thermostat and bumping it up a couple degrees. It is easy...
If you would like to receive more information on the commodity markets, please use the link to join our email list – Sign Up Now
For those interested I hold a weekly livestock webinar on Tuesdays and my next webinar...
2024 has been quite the year. We started the year with record high cattle prices, and what appeared to be the most profitable calf crop in several years. Move into planting season and first cutting hay harvest that went...
On Friday, December 20th USDA NASS released the latest Cattle on Feed report ( December 1st inventory was estimated at 11.98 million, on par with 2023. Placements in November were estimated at 1.80 million, down 4% from 2023 while marketings...
If you would like to receive more information on the commodity markets, please use the link to join our email list – Sign Up Now
For those interested I hold a weekly livestock webinar on Tuesdays and my next webinar...