Links between nutrition and health focus of Animal Nutrition Conference of Canada, May 12-14 in Winnipeg


Source: Animal Nutrition Conference of Canada

New research exploring the links between animal nutrition and health is offering promise and generating much excitement in helping solve some of today’s greatest livestock production challenges. Participants from across the feed industry will have the opportunity to learn about the latest trends and scientific developments in this area, at the annual Animal Nutrition Conference of Canada (ANCC), being held on May 12-14 in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

“The feed industry is evolving at a rapid pace to meet new regulatory and customer requirements,” says Melissa Dumont, Executive Director of the Animal Nutrition Association of Canada (ANAC), host of this conference. “The ANCC has always focused on the latest scientific developments in animal nutrition to ensure participants are ready for our industry’s changes. Add to that the opportunity to network with a broad spectrum of industry leaders in the field of animal nutrition and the result is this exceptional event.”

The 2020 ANCC theme “Exploring the Links Between Animal Nutrition and Animal Health” tackles one of the hottest topics in our industry today, says Amy Johnston of Manitoba Agriculture, ANCC Program Chair. “It’s a theme that many can relate to, as we investigate alternative antimicrobial approaches, focus on food safety and promote sustainable agricultural practices.  There is increasing interest in the role that animal nutrition can play in supporting animal health.”

Now in its fourth year, the ANCC brings together members of the feed industry into one national event featuring top speakers, engaging topics and the latest scientific information, along with excellent networking opportunities and a special focus on highlighting and supporting student research. A balance of plenary sessions with broad appeal and species-specific technical sessions, both for monogastrics and ruminants, can be found at the conference. The research showcased at ANCC provides a unique window on the future and is testimony to the active animal science research happening across Canada and around the world. The event also includes an industry showcase featuring partners from across the animal nutrition supply chain as well as a graduate student poster competition.

“We are very pleased to welcome the ANCC to Winnipeg in 2020,” says Rhett Arnason of Pestell Nutrition, based in Manitoba and serving on the ANAC Executive Committee. “Each year brings a new opportunity to highlight a different region important to our dynamic Canadian feed industry and to bring people together from across the country. There is strong benefit in connecting and engaging nationally, for the participants and sponsors alike.”

For nutritionists, ANCC has become a must-attend event, says Jennifer Lichty of Hensall District Co-op based in Ontario, who serves as ANAC Nutrition Committee Chair. “For many of us, it’s the one time each year we get together as a community of animal nutritionists to focus on issues that affect our industry as a whole. The opportunity to share diverse knowledge and discuss possible solutions to our common and unique issues is quite beneficial – particularly with the growing focus on nutrition as a tool to manage challenges and costs. There is a lot of synergy created when we bring everyone together.”

Early registration rates are available until March 23rd. Complete program details, ongoing sponsorship opportunities and registration information are available Learn more about ANAC at


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