Canada and Taiwan Reach Arrangement for Trade of Organic Food


Source: Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Canadian organic producers can export their products to Taiwan, and Canadian families shopping for organic food will have more choices following an interim arrangement reached between the governments of Canada and Taiwan.

For one year, the Canada-Taiwan Organic Equivalency Arrangement means certain organic products may be sold as organic in Canada or Taiwan while the equivalency of the organic production and certification systems are finalized. This arrangement supports ongoing Government of Canada initiatives to eliminate trade barriers and increase consumer access to organic foods that meet Canadian organic standards.

The interim arrangement applies to agricultural and processed products of plant origin, livestock and livestock products as well as aquaculture products. This includes products grown or produced within either territory or whose final processing or packaging occurs within either territory.

The interim arrangement further facilitates the import and export of organic food products between Canada and Taiwan by reducing industry certification costs and administrative processes.

The organic food equivalency arrangement comes into effect May 30, 2020 and will remain valid for one year or until the Canadian Food Inspection Agency is able to travel outside Canada to conduct an on-site assessment and finalize the equivalency determination.


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