Managing the movement of people, vehicles, equipment and tools


Source: Canadian Food Inspection Agency

People, vehicles, equipment, and tools are capable of transmitting disease pathogens. Producers can help manage that risk by controlling the movement of people and objects onto and within their premises, particularly within the production area that holds the livestock.

Managing the risk
Producers can limit the risk of introducing disease by incorporating sanitary practices into their daily routine. For example, people, vehicles and tools should be clean or cleaned
prior to entering, exiting or moving within the production area.

Minimize the use of equipment for both clean and dirty tasks
Using equipment dedicated for clean tasks only, such as handling feed, water, and bedding, and different equipment dedicated for dirty tasks including handling deadstock, manure,
and garbage will help keep animals healthy.

Maintain fences and gates
Disease can spread when animals commingle, be it herds from different properties or cattle and wildlife. Although not entirely effective, fences can help minimize these and other types of interactions that can impact the health of the herd. Maintain fences and gates to help prevent the spread of disease.

Post biosecurity signs at key access points
Biosecurity signs help to control access to the property, production areas and farmyard. The signs alert the public, visitors and personnel not to enter certain areas and to whom to
report for access. Biosecurity signs should be posted around the perimeter of the property on fences, at gates and at entries to sensitive areas such as the production area.

Manage deadstock and manure
Minimizing the potential spread of disease pathogens (where they exist) from deadstock and manure to cattle or wildlife is an important means of controlling disease. Use dedicated
equipment, where possible, to remove deadstock and manure, or clean and, in some cases, disinfect prior to other uses. Control access to manure and deadstock storage areas to reduce opportunities for contact by cattle, other livestock and wildlife.

Minimize exposure to pests
Some pests can spread disease. Increase disease management practices (surveillance, vaccination or treatment) in situations where pests could affect the health of the herd.
Prevent or limit exposure to wildlife where practical

Wildlife can carry and spread disease therefore it’s important to minimize direct or indirect contact with the herd. In cases where it’s not practical or possible to minimize these types of interactions, employ additional disease management measures such as monitoring, vaccination, and testing.

Ensure facilities are maintained and clean
Buildings, barns, fences and pens, though not generally a means of introducing disease on farm, can contribute to the spread of disease if left in disrepair. Fences and gates should be in place to inhibit unauthorized entry and buildings should be maintained.

Learn more about biosecurity
These are just a few of the recognized biosecurity practices that producers can use to manage the disease risks on their operation. For more information on biosecurity, or to obtain a copy of the Canadian Beef Cattle On-Farm Biosecurity Standard, please visit:


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