Share your thoughts: Consultation on proposed changes to Part XV of the Health of Animals Regulations (Identification and Traceability)


Source: CFIA

Current status: Open

Opened on March 18, 2023 and will close on June 16, 2023.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is proposing amendments to Part XV of the Health of Animals Regulations(Identification and Traceability) to enable a more effective and timely response to disease outbreaks and food safety issues, and improve support for disease surveillance activities.

About the consultation

Over the last decade, industry and government representatives have been working together on the livestock traceability file. Consultations with industry and provinces identified some gaps and opportunities to improve Canada’s livestock traceability system. Feedback received set the foundation for proposed regulatory changes. The proposed amendments are expected to strengthen Canada’s ability to respond quickly to animal health threats and other emergencies.

What we are looking to change

The regulatory proposal would address the gaps in the current livestock identification and traceability system, including:

  • adding goats and cervids as animal species that share diseases with other regulated livestock, and therefore subject to traceability requirements
  • shortening the time period allowed to report an event to better support an efficient response to disease outbreaks
  • adding a requirement to provide information about the geographical location of sites where animals are located
  • requiring the reporting of domestic movements of livestock

Why you should participate

This is an opportunity to share your views to inform changes to the regulations. The input gathered through this consultation will be used to improve the regulations, help Canada build a robust and effective livestock traceability system, and improve the Government of Canada’s ability to respond quickly to animal health threats and other emergencies.

Join in: how to participate

Stakeholders will have 90 days to provide comments during this consultation

Who is the focus of this consultation

The CFIA is seeking comments from:

  • livestock producers
  • livestock owners
  • operators of assembly points, feedlots and community pastures
  • operators of veterinary hospitals, fairs, exhibitions and rodeos
  • operators of abattoirs, rendering plants and dead stock collection centres
  • livestock transporters
  • exporters and importers of livestock

All comments are welcome from industry, governments, the public, or other organizations or individuals.

Key topics for discussion

The CFIA is seeking feedback on:

  • potential effects on business decisions and activities, such as human and financial resources
  • potential effects on industry, market access and consumer confidence
  • ways to harmonize and advance Canadian requirements for livestock traceability
  • how feasible it is to implement the proposed requirements


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