Assess the Risks on Your Farm – Biosecurity Checklist


Source: Canadian Food Inspection Agency

This checklist will help you to identify areas of potential risk on your farm. The approach will be different on each farm and not all questions are equal in terms of the risks they address.

After completing this checklist you will have a better understanding of your ‘at risk’ areas. These can be discussed with an animal health expert. Together you can then develop or modify an existing biosecurity plan that addresses the risks that are particular to your farm.

Access management

Designate distinct zones
Is the premises surrounded by a fence? Yes No
Is there a gate that can be securely closed and locked? Yes No
Does the premises have a single entrance? Yes No
Is the entrance identified with signage? Yes No
Are there “biosecure zones” (zones with different levels of protection) identified on the premises? Yes No
Are the biosecure zone boundaries clearly identified with signs and/or markers? Yes No
Do all biosecure zones have controlled entry/exit points? Yes No
Are different levels of protection established by a “Controlled Access Zone” (CAZ), an outer biosecure zone? Yes No
Are different levels of protection established by a “Restricted Access Zone” (RAZ), an inner biosecure zone? Yes No
Control movements into and between designated zones
Is the animal loading facility located outside of the Restricted Access Zone (RAZ)? Yes No
Is the animal loading facility located outside of the Controlled Access Zone (CAZ)? Yes No
Is there a designated location for vehicles to be cleaned and/or disinfected before entering a biosecure zone? Yes No
Does each production unit entrance have a transition area or an ante-room? Yes No
Is hand sanitizer or facilities for hand washing available at the entrances and exits for each production area? Yes No
Are employees required to wear designated clothing? Yes No
Are employees required to wear designated footwear or foot coverings? Yes No
Are employees required to wash their hands when entering each barn or production unit? Yes No
Are employees required to wash their hands when exiting each barn or production unit? Yes No
Is visitor access to your Controlled Access Zone (CAZ) controlled? Yes No
Is visitor access to your animals and the Restricted Access Zone (RAZ) controlled? Yes No
Is a visitors log maintained? Yes No
Are visitors required to wear designated clothing? Yes No
Are visitors required to wear designated footwear or foot coverings? Yes No
Are visitors required to wash their hands when entering each barn or production unit? Yes No
Are visitors required to wash their hands when exiting each barn or production unit? Yes No

Animal health management

Manage animal movements
Are new animals purchased from suppliers with established disease control programs in place? Yes No
Are animal introductions and removals recorded? Yes No
Are new animals isolated before introducing them to the the farm population? Yes No
Are new animals tested for diseases before introducing them to the farm population? Yes No
Is the frequency of new animal introductions minimized, to reduce the risk of transmitting disease? Yes No
Is the number of new animals being introduced minimized, to reduce the risk of transmitting disease? Yes No
Are animals that are returning from fairs, show and exhibitions isolated before rejoining the rest of the farm population? Yes No
Monitor animals for signs of disease
Do you regularly consult with a veterinarian on the health of your animals? Yes No
Do you have a disease prevention or herd health management program in place? Yes No
Are animal health records kept up to date? Yes No
Are sick animals isolated? Yes No
Do you have established triggers to initiate an animal disease investigation? Yes No
Do these triggers include loss of appetite? Yes No
Do these triggers include weight loss? Yes No
Do these triggers include abnormal behaviour? Yes No
Do these triggers include unexplained death? Yes No
Do these triggers include diseases found or suspected in neighbouring premises, areas and regions? Yes No
Are investigations into animal deaths routinely performed? Yes No
Establish response plans for potential disease situations
Do you have a written disease response plan? Yes No
Are your employees familiar with disease response procedures? Yes No
Do you have established triggers for using a disease response plan? Yes No
Do these triggers include large numbers of animals showing signs of disease? Yes No
Do these triggers include a significant decrease in production? Yes No
Do these triggers include a lack of response to routine treatments? Yes No
Do these triggers include unanticipated death rates? Yes No
Do these triggers include loss of appetite or a decrease in feed consumption? Yes No
Do you have contact information for your herd veterinarian displayed in a place where everyone can find it? Yes No
Do you have contact information for your provincial veterinarian displayed in a place where everyone can find it? Yes No
Do you have contact information for your district veterinarian (Feferal) displayed in a place where everyone can find it? Yes No
Does your disease response plan address plans for limiting the movement of animals or animal by-products? Yes No
Does your disease response plan address plans for limiting the movement of vehicles, equipment and materials? Yes No
Does your disease response plan address plans for limiting the movement of people? Yes No

Operational management

Properly dispose of deadstock
Do you have a written plan for disposing of deadstock? Yes No
Are deadstock records kept? Yes No
Do deadstock records include diagnostic tests performed and test results? Yes No
Are provincial, municipal and environmental guidelines followed for deadstock disposal? Yes No
Are procedures in place for removing carcasses from the production area? Yes No
Are carcasses temporarily stored outside of the Restricted Access Zone (RAZ) prior to disposal? Yes No
Are carcasses temporarily stored outside of the Controlled Access Zone (CAZ) prior to disposal? Yes No
Are temporary deadstock storage areas and deadstock disposal areas managed to prevent scavengers and insects from accessing the carcass? Yes No
Safely manage manure
Do you have a written manure management plan? Yes No
Are provincial, municipal and environmental guidelines followed in the storage handling and disposal of animal waste? Yes No
Is manure regularly removed from the production units? Yes No
Is manure storage contained by a barrier or a bunker? Yes No
Is there sufficient distance between your on-site facilities and the manure storage site? Yes No
Is there sufficient distance between the manure storage site and the perimeter of your property lines? Yes No
Are storage sites equipped to contain run-off from open lots? Yes No
Do you have a manure application strategy to reduce erosion and pollution? Yes No
Is manure injected into the soil? Yes No
Is manure applied topically? Yes No
If the manure is intended for sale or further processing, is it moved directly off of your farm? Yes No
Is the manure produced on your farm applied only to your own fields? Yes No
Are records kept of treatments of manure? Yes No
Are records kept of sales of manure? Yes No
Are records kept of movements of manure? Yes No
Are records kept of final location or placement of manure? Yes No
Keep the premises, buildings, equipment and vehicles clean
Before entering the premises, are equipment and vehicles cleaned and disinfected? Yes No
Is there a designated cleaning area for equipment and vehicles entering the premises? Yes No
Are barns and other buildings cleaned according to a fixed schedule? Yes No
Are production areas and equipment cleaned regularly? Yes No
Is farm equipment shared with or borrowed from another site? Yes No
If farm equipment is shared or borrowed is it cleaned and disinfected prior to use? Yes No
If farm equipment is shared or borrowed is it cleaned and disinfected after use? Yes No
Are all zones equipped with cleaning and disinfecting equipment and products? Yes No
Are all cleaning and disinfecting equipment and products properly maintained? Yes No
Are facilities allowed acceptable amounts of downtime between groups of animals? Yes No
Are water lines flushed and cleaned routinely? Yes No
Are animal drinkers cleaned routinely? Yes No
Are feeders cleaned routinely? Yes No
Are all equipment and vehicles exiting the farm cleaned and disinfected? Yes No
Is there a designated cleaning area for equipment and vehicles exiting the farm? Yes No
Maintain the facilities in a state of good repair
Do you have a facility maintenance program? Yes No
Do you have a schedule that includes regular maintenance of buildings and mechanical equipment? Yes No
Are visual inspections routinely performed to identify damage(s)? Yes No
Are driveways and roadways in good condition? Yes No
Are the fences surrounding the premises in need of repair? Yes No
Is the premises free of standing bodies of water (puddles, ponds)? Yes No
Are all waterlines into the production area checked and maintained regularly? Yes No
Are all buildings in good repair? Yes No
Obtain production inputs from a reliable source
Is water sourced from a municipal supply? Yes No
If water is derived from another source, is it treated? Yes No
Is drinking water routinely tested for disease-causing organisms? Yes No
Does drinking water meet the standards for animal consumption? Yes No
Is feed purchased from suppliers that practice good manufacturing procedures? Yes No
Is bedding purchased from reputable suppliers? Yes No
Is feed stored in a designated area away from wildlife and pests? Yes No
Is bedding stored in a designated area to prevent contamination? Yes No
Is bedding material replaced after each production cycle? Yes No
Control pests
Is overgrown vegetation cut/controlled near animal housing areas to discourage pests and wildlife? Yes No
Do entry points to animal housing areas, pens and barns close securely? Yes No
Are there measures in place to prevent birds from nesting in barns? Yes No
Are insect control measures in place? Yes No
Are rodent control measures in place? Yes No
Plan and train
Is there a written biosecurity plan in place on the farm? Yes No
Have you developed your biosecurity plan in consultation with a veterinarian or an animal health expert? Yes No
Have you developed your biosecurity plan in consultation with your employees? Yes No
Are employees trained on how to move between zones and within the facility? Yes No
Does your plan include working with a veterinarian on a regular basis? Yes No
Does your plan include ways to keep up-to-date on animal health developments (locally, regionally, nationally and internationally)? Yes No
Does your plan include being in communication with neighbours, industry associations and government officials? Yes No
Have staff been trained on how to implement your biosecurity plan? Yes No
Are training sessions held regularly with staff members to review biosecurity protocols? Yes No


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