Beef Farmers of Ontario Advocate for Access to Conservation Land for Rental Use


A key aspect of the Beef Farmers of Ontario’s (BFO) strategic plan involves supporting the province’s beef sector by promoting pasture development. This includes improving existing community pastures, creating new ones, and collaborating with conservation authorities and non-governmental organizations like land trusts.

In 2022, BFO partnered with Conservation Ontario to survey conservation authorities about their agricultural land leasing practices. Of the 36 conservation authorities contacted, 20 responded. While three authorities indicated they do not lease land for agriculture, the remaining responses showed significant variation in the leasing process and the availability of land parcels.

Following a recent meeting with Conservation Ontario, BFO was asked to draft a letter to all conservation authorities, encouraging those interested in renting land to beef farmers for grazing to reach out. BFO will coordinate with local associations on next steps if opportunities arise. Additionally, BFO will continue engaging with other conservation-focused organizations, such as land trusts and Ducks Unlimited, to explore further pasture development opportunities.

Producers are encouraged to establish relationships with local conservation authorities and land-owning organizations to explore opportunities for accessing or improving underutilized land for pasture use.

Please click here to view a PDF copy of the response


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