Calling on Canadian Government to prioritize efforts to address canola oil trade disruption through all channels and continue to support Canadian canola farmers


Source: Canadian Federation of Agriculture

CFA is pleased to see the Government of Canada respond today to the challenges canola farmers are facing as a result of ongoing trade challenges with China. Having long advocated for a request to see the Advance Payments Program (APP) advance limits increased on a permanent basis, we believe the increases for the 2019 season represent an important step towards alleviating the cash flow challenges farmers are currently facing.

Additional flexibility with regard to AgriStability deadlines is also appreciated, although trade disruptions such as those the canola sector is experiencing with China continue to highlight the importance and urgency of undertaking comprehensive reforms to Canada’s BRM suite. Similarly, efforts to promote continued trade diversification are critical as we continue to see producers affected by trade disruptions and associated volatility in the marketplace.

In addition to these measures, CFA urges the government to prioritize efforts to address this disruption through all available channels. While CFA supports these initial efforts, we believe that industry and government stakeholders must continue to closely monitor the situation, while working with Chinese officials to see current trade restrictions remedied, and continually reviewing the impacts on Canadian producers to determine whether further measures are needed.

“We are pleased with today’s Government of Canada announcement of additional support for canola farmers. However, the onus is on government to continue to closely monitor and remedy the situation, but that they must do so in consultation with industry. It is imperative that the government find a solution to this issue in an expedient fashion. Supporting Canadian farmers during this dispute is paramount to the viability of so many farm families, who are victims of this trade disruption.” – Mary Robinson, President of the CFA.


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