Canada’s agriculture ministers and farm leaders meet to discuss strategies to Produce Prosperity in Canada


Source: Canadian Federation of Agriculture

Farm leaders from across the country met with federal, provincial and territorial agriculture ministers yesterday during the Canadian Federation of Agriculture’s (CFA) annual Industry-Government FPT Roundtable in Québec City. During the meeting, they explored priorities and strategies for the Agri-Food sector that stem from CFA’s Producing Prosperity in Canada (PPIC) campaign. Discussion centred around the Food Policy for Canada, chronic labour issues, improving the BRM suite, environmental stewardship and other topics.

“Realizing the full potential of the Canadian Agri-Food sector as a source of food security, environmental and economic benefits to all Canadians requires a coordinated approach on the part of farmers, industry and FPT governments. This includes the need for clear vision and coordination in addressing systematic barriers to growth and adoption of beneficial innovations in technology, processes or on-farm practices,” said Mary Robinson, CFA President.

In light of recent trade disruptions and erratic weather across Canada and as part of the long-term goals of the PPiC campaign, CFA advocated for a reform of business risk management programs that would make them more responsive to farmer needs giving them the stability they need to sustain their operations and invest in the future.

In addition, the CFA called for an immediate federal programming that provides producers critical relief in the face of geopolitical issues that threaten Canadian agriculture’s global competitiveness and the viability of many Canadian farms. A number of farm leaders in the room spoke to the urgency of this situation, citing how these situations are completely out of their control.

CFA presented the ministers with its Producing Prosperity in Canada discussion document, which describes a range of recommendations to help support the key benefits that the Agri-Food sector provides to Canada. This document set the stage for a productive dialogue, one that will continue over the coming years, between industry and government officials.

Looking ahead, CFA remains committed to working in partnership with all orders of government as they prepare to implement the Food Policy for Canada, proceed through international trade talks, and explore the options for Producing Prosperity in Canada.


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