Source: Alberta Beef Producers
“Effects of a Genetic Variant in the Galanin Gene on Gain and Fat Deposition in Cattle”
RESEARCH INSTITUTION: University of Saskatchewan L
EAD RESEARCHER: Dr. Sheila Schmutz
Galanin is a gene that is downregulated (suppressed) by the gene leptin,...
Source: MatMa Corp news release
(Left panel) Disease progression in an affected heart. RV and LV, right and left ventricles, respectively; PA, pulmonary artery. (Right panel) Steer with congestive heart failure. Photo credit: Michael Heaton, USMARC.
A team of researchers...
Source: Canadian Angus Association
Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs) are the most powerful genetic tool we have for selecting the best animals for your breeding program. Learn more about EPDs by watching the online EPD 101 Workshop.
Learn some Genetic Evaluation Definitions here!
Source: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
What Is It?
Marbling is viewed as the major determinate of quality grades. It is the term applied to visible specks and streaks of fat in a cross section of the rib...
Source: BMC Veterinary Research
Jean-Francois Hocquette,
Carine Bernard-Capel,
Veronique Vidal,
Beline Jesson,
Hubert Levéziel,
Gilles Renand &
Isabelle Cassar-Malek
Previous research programmes have described muscle biochemical traits and gene expression levels associated with beef tenderness. One of our results concerning...
Source: Canadian Angus Association
Accuracy (ACC) — the reliability that can be placed on the EPD. An accuracy of close to 1.0 indicates higher reliability. Accuracy is impacted by the number of progeny and ancestral records included in the analysis.
Source: Beef Cattle Research Council
Project Title: Genetics of eating quality of high connective tissue beef
Researchers: Heather Bruce, Ph.D. Heather Bruce, Ph.D., Graham Plastow, Leluo Guan, Paul Stothard and Zhiquan Wang (University of Alberta), Manuel Juarez and Changxi Li...
Source: Beef Cattle Research Council,
Do you raise your own heifers? Or do you prefer to purchase your replacements? Regardless of your choice, developing heifers costs money and requires careful management.
Ideally, replacement heifers will go on to become long-term producers...
Source: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
The third article in this six part series looks at benchmarks and ways to track the genetic performance of the herd.
A pilot project aimed to help Alberta producers adopt new technology and innovation recently brought...
Source: Canadian Angus Association
The Canadian Angus Association (CAA) is very grateful for the investment of $238,920 from the Canadian Agriculture Partnership (the Partnership) AgriAssurance program to help us use genomic tools to select for foot and leg health and...