Feedworks USA has unveiled Feedworks Lytes, a groundbreaking family of scientifically formulated electrolyte products designed to enhance hydration and productivity in both dairy and beef cattle. Bob East, Feedworks Lytes manager, emphasizes the uniqueness of these high-quality electrolyte options,...
Source: Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Ken Kelley and Walter J. Prevatt Profitable cow-calf producers consistently seek ways to maximize income and minimize production costs. This requires producers to carefully consider both income and expenses. Figure 1. Year-to-year variations in the cost of...
Source: National Farm Animal Care Council, Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Beef Cattle Section 4.2 The majority of beef cows calve without assistance. However, careful monitoring of calving cows ensures that assistance, when needed, can be provided...
Source: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Yijie Xiong, NE Extension Specialist, Precision Livestock Management Kacie McCarthy, UNL Cow-Calf Specialist Travis Mulliniks, UNL Beef Cattle Nutritionist, Range Production Systems In the last few years, buzzwords like precision livestock management have been thrown around quite a bit....
Source: North Dakota State University The drylot beef cow-calf enterprise is an alternative management system to traditional pasture or range beef production. Strictly defined, it is feeding confined cow-calf pairs in a feedlot environment during part or all of the...
  Source: USDA news release In the United States, most cow-calf operations are relatively small and have fewer than 50 cows though a few very large operations (with more than 1,000 cows) can be found. On cow-calf farms, calves are birthed,...
Source: Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives It is expected that cow calf producers will have to deal with increased numbers of weaned calves this fall. Market opportunities for the fall calf run are uncertain. Drought in many parts of the...
Source: USDA by Jeffrey Gillespie, Christine Whitt, and Christopher G. Davis The cow-calf segment of the U.S. beef industry is diverse in farm size, structure, and location, with farms located in every State and ranging from very small to very large....
Source: University of Minnesota Quick facts Plan for drought and implement your plan before the situation is critical. If a live water tap is not available, start hauling water well in advance of natural surface water running out. Keeping calves...
Source:OMAFRA Introduction The following identifies and quantifies 10 of the most profitable management practices for cow-calf production. The techniques were evaluated in terms of net economic benefit (revenue generated by a practice less the cost of implementation). Additional comments are included...
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