Source: Government of Alberta “As many areas in Alberta are dealing with dry conditions, producers will likely have to manage dust from pens and livestock feedlots,” says Trevor Wallace, nutrient management specialist with the Alberta government. “While pen dust during...
Source: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, In the past, livestock were turned out to summer pasture and allowed to walk through and drink from any slough, creek, river, or lake available to them. In the winter, livestock either ate snow, or...
A 2-year large-scale trial in beef cattle in Alberta, Canada has successfully demonstrated that a novel feed ingredient, developed by Royal DSM, can be included in commercial feedlot diets to reduce methane emissions by up to 80%, without negative...
Weaning is the most stressful time in a beef calf’s life. At this time, calves are being separated from their dams, and may be exposed to different types of feed and water sources than those with which they are...
Source: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Looking for opportunities for production efficiencies on-farm is an important aspect of improving your bottom line. Tight profit margins often prompt an assessment of efficiencies that can be made on the...
Source: University of Minnesota Quick facts Ideally, all calves entering a feedlot should be low risk and preconditioned. Getting newly arrived animals to eat and preventing diarrhea will improve their health. Reducing stress and preconditioning calves can prevent respiratory diseases. ...
Source: Government of Saskatchewan When choosing feed for livestock, consider its nutritive value, bulkiness or lack of bulk, presence of other substances and health problems related to its use. Hay Dehydrated alfalfa pellets and cubes Dehydrated alfalfa pellets consist of finely ground artificially...
Source: Alberta Crop Industry Development Fund Project Title: Research support to the establishment of a NIR network and feeding practices that will lower feed costs and improve net feed efficiency in feedlot cattle – Fecal starch and grain processing index. Researchers: Tim McAllister,...
Source: South Dakota State University, Russ Daly, Professor, SDSU Extension Veterinarian, State Public Health Veterinarian While we usually think of foot problems in feedlot calves occurring in conjunction with warm, muddy conditions, wintertime also brings a certain set of conditions that can...

Wheat for Animal Feed

Source: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Introduction Based on fluctuations in commodity pricing, wheat may become attractive in ruminant diets, replacing a portion of corn and barley in rations. Traditionally, the milling of wheat produces flour for human use...
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