Source: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Whenever there is a change in your livestock marketings resulting in increased inventories there will be the need for increased feed supplies. Maximizing the use of pasture can make a significant...
Source: Alberta Beef Producers “Surveillance of E. coli, enterococci, antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and Enterococcus species distribution in beef operations and associated environments” Project No.: FOS.10.13 Lead Researchers: Tim McAllister, Ph.D., Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Other Researchers: Sheryl Gow, D.V.M., Ph.D. and Richard Reid-Smith,...
Source: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, In the past, livestock were turned out to summer pasture and allowed to walk through and drink from any slough, creek, river, or lake available to them. In the winter, livestock either ate snow, or...
Source: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs What to sample for mycotoxins tests: If feeding a total mixed ration (TMR), sample it for mycotoxins first. If the TMR test result is positive then individually sample suspect ingredients including...
Source: Albert Beef Producers Project No.: BQU.03.13 Lead ResearcherS: Heather Bruce, Ph.D., University of Alberta Other ResearcherS: Walter Dixon, Steve Miller, Graham Plastow (University of Alberta), John Basarab (Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development), and Jennifer Aalhus (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada) Objectives: The objectives of...

Handling Cattle

Source: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Cattle Behaviour Effects of stress on cattle Reduced weight gain Poor reproductive performance Reduced ability to fight disease Temple Grandin says "Handling practices can be less stressful to the animals and safer for the handler if one...
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