Source: USDA by Russell Knight, Hannah Taylor, William Hahn, Angel Terán, Mildred Haley, Grace Grossen, Adriana Valcu-Lisman, and Margaret Cornelius The Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook for October 2022 analyzes economic impacts of month-to-month changes in USDA’s World Agricultural Supply and Use Estimates Report on domestic and international...
Source: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry “The week ending October 14, 2022 saw minimal buyer bidding on live fed steers in Alberta,” says Ann Boyda, provincial livestock market analyst with Agriculture and Irrigation. “A weekly price trend was not available. The...
Source: USDA Summary Beef/Cattle: Drought continues to have a role in the timing of cattle slaughter. Based on stronger expected pace of fed cattle and beef cow slaughter in late 2022, the production forecast for this year is fractionally higher than last...
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