Source: USDA by Russell Knight, Hannah Taylor, William Hahn, Angel Terán, Mildred Haley, Grace Grossen, and Adriana Valcu-Lisman The Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook for May 2023 analyzes economic impacts of month-to-month changes in USDA’s “World Agricultural Supply and Use Estimates”...
Source: FCC, Martha Roberts Cattle prices for 2023 are forecasted to be higher year-over-year (YoY) and above the five-year average, thanks to the smaller North American herd creating beef production challenges. Our forecasts for the outlook period have all risen since...
Source: USDA news release Changes in beef cow inventory are related to the phases of the cattle cycle--the expansion (increase) and contraction (decrease) of the U.S. beef cattle herd over time. This cycle evolves gradually and tends to span 8...
Source: CME Group news release Farmer sentiment improved modestly in April as the Purdue University/CME Group Ag Economy Barometer rose 6 points to a reading of 123. Both of the barometer's sub-indices were also higher in April, the Current Conditions Index...
Source: USDA by Russell Knight, Hannah Taylor, William Hahn, Angel Terán, Mildred Haley, Grace Grossen, and Adriana Valcu-Lisman The Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook for April 2023 analyzes economic impacts of month-to-month changes in USDA’s “World Agricultural Supply and Use Estimates”...
Source: FCC Farm Credit Canada (FCC) has released an analysis of the rent-to-price ratio for cultivated farmland in Canada. The rent-to-price ratio is obtained by crossing cash rental rates and the Farmland Values Report data.  A ratio trending lower suggests that...
  Source: USDA Changes in beef cow inventory are related to the phases of the cattle cycle--the expansion (increase) and contraction (decrease) of the U.S. beef cattle herd over time. This cycle evolves gradually and tends to span 8 to 12 years....
Source: Government of Alberta “The U.S. Choice-Select boxed beef price spread is the difference between wholesale boxed beef cutout values for the USDA’s Choice and Select quality grade carcasses,” explains Ann Boyda, provincial livestock market analyst with the Alberta government....
Source: USDA by Russell Knight, Hannah Taylor, William Hahn, Angel Terán, Mildred Haley, Grace Grossen, Adriana Valcu-Lisman, LaPorchia A. Collins, and Amber K Oerly The Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook for March 2023 analyzes economic impacts of month-to-month changes in USDA’s...
Source: Beef Farmers of Ontario Prices are reported on a "per one hundred pound" basis. Fed Steers, Large Frame # Head Low $ High $ Avg $ Top $ Avg Wt Over 1250 lbs. 75 188.52 224.53 208.81 242.00 1,614 1001 - 1250 lbs 4 171.00 210.00 184.00 213.00 1,203 Fed Steers, Medium Frame # Head Low $ High $ Avg $ Top $ Avg Wt Over 1250 lbs 84 196.55 209.35 204.44 216.50 1,508 1001...
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