Scottish farmers have expressed "deep concerns" over a trade deal agreed between the UK and Australia. Downing Street said the pact meant British products such as Scotch whisky would be cheaper to sell to Australia. But industry body NFU Scotland warned the free...
To “Read” Walt’s charts, keep the following in mind: Support – this term refers to a trend line or price area under the market which is expected to hold the market from potential decline. Resistance- a price area or trend line...
A price channel consists of two parallel trend-lines providing support (bottom) and resistance (top) lines that contain price fluctuations.  Channels may be bullish (slanting upwards), bearish (slanting downwards), or neutral (horizontal). To “Read” Walt’s charts, keep the following in mind: Support...
Published on May 10, 2019 •This week in the markets – Live fed cattle were down $3.25 this week, while feeder cattle sales around the country were steady to $5.00 lower. The June live cattle futures contract was down .40...
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