CBBC becomes division of CCA


Source: Canadian Cattlemen’s Association

The Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) is pleased to officially welcome the Canadian Beef Breeds Council (CBBC) as its newest division. This decision was reached by the leadership of both organizations following the work undertaken by an advisory committee to analyze the benefits and costs of the CBBC joining CCA.

This increased alignment will result in positive impacts on the entire Canadian beef industry through increased collaboration, coordination, and expanded outreach efforts. CCA and CBBC have worked closely together on a number of initiatives, so the integration made sense from both a logistics and a philosophical perspective as both organizations work to grow the industry.

“Having CBBC as a division of CCA further unites our industry under one roof which will return more value to beef producers for their investment,” noted Bob Lowe, CCA President.

As seen with the COVID-19 pandemic, the Canadian beef industry needs to work together to address challenges as they arise. The biggest challenges may not come from within the agricultural sector, but from outside, and strong organizations with the capacity to deal with any situation is key to building and maintaining resiliency in the Canadian beef industry.

“This is an important time in the Canadian cattle industry and aligning organizations with similar goals will create opportunities that will have long-term benefits for the entire beef industry,” Dave Sibbald, CBBC President.


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