Gastrointestinal nematode management in western Canadian cow-calf herds


Source: National Library of Medicine


There is a paucity of information from western Canadian beef cow-calf producers about how they control gastrointestinal nematodes. The objectives of this study were to describe cow-calf producers’ management practices related to control of gastrointestinal nematodes including pasture management and use of parasite control products. A questionnaire was distributed to 105 producers in May 2015. Responses from 97 producers revealed the almost uniform dependence on the use of a pour-on macrocyclic lactone parasite control product in the fall as part of a routine farm management program. Control of external parasites was the primary reason for treatment, while none of the producers chose to treat specifically to manage internal parasites. The predominant management practices identified through this study increase the risk of development of anthelmintic resistance. The results also highlight the need to raise awareness of the importance of an evidence-based gastrointestinal nematode control program in beef cow-calf herds.

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