Harvey’s partners with the CRSB to support sustainable beef production


Source: Alberta Beef Producers

Harvey’s Restaurants has partnered with the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (CRSB) and is now sourcing a portion of their beef for their Original Burger according to CRSB’s sustainability standards. “Harvey’s proudly sources 100% Canadian beef for all our burgers. Supporting sustainable beef production builds on our existing commitment to Canadian farmers and ranchers who work hard every day to ensure a sustainably-raised, high quality, safe product that Canadians have come to trust and love,” says David Colebrook, Chief Operating Officer of Harvey’s.

The CRSB Certified Mark represents a set of sustainability standards that beef producers and primary processors must achieve. The sustainability standards cover specific areas related to five principles of sustainable beef: natural resources; people and community; animal health and welfare; food; and efficiency and innovation. The CRSB Certified Mark and associated sustainability claims provide credible, science-based assurances for consumers about how their beef was raised, verified through an independent audited process.

“We are thrilled to partner with Harvey’s and support their sustainable sourcing efforts,” says Anne Wasko, Chair of the CRSB and rancher from Eastend, SK. “The momentum is building and we look forward to seeing the CRSB Certified Mark on many beef products across the food sector in the years to come.”

The Canadian beef industry is committed to continuous improvement and sustainability. Canadian beef production has one of the lowest greenhouse gas footprints in the world, and over the past 30 years, has reduced its greenhouse gas footprint by 15 per cent. Canadian beef production also provides significant environmental benefits. For example, Canadian beef producers keep over 44 million acres of grasslands healthy, while at the same time, preserving approximately 1.5 billion tonnes of carbon in the soil, and providing habitat for over 1,000 plant, animal and insect species.


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