Highlights From Cattle Producers Discussing Sustainability, Hosted By Corteva


Source: Corteva news release

One thing has become increasingly clear: Sustainability is no longer just a buzzword. A recent panel discussion hosted by Corteva Agriscience addressed ways for producers to better connect with consumers about the inherently sustainable nature of American beef producers. The panel included:

• John and Randa Starnes, Alabama, beef producers and direct-to-consumer marketers
• Rachel Cutrer, Texas, beef producer, keynote speaker and businesswoman
• Ally Spears, Texas, beef producer and podcast host

“It’s important for producers to share their stories,” says Damon Palmer, Pasture & Land Management Business Lead at Corteva Agriscience. “Things that may seem ordinary to those in the industry – like the story Ally shares during the panel discussion about raising a bottle calf – can be insightful and interesting to consumers.”

Now, more than ever, consumers want to purchase products that are good. This means products that are good for the environment, good for cattle’s nutrition and good for their communities. One key takeaway from the panel was shifting the conversations with consumers from discussing the beef industry to discussing the beef community. Consumers are increasingly disconnected from producers: The false narrative that’s been generating over the years – such as cattle are raised in factory farms – has evolved from that disconnect.

“It resonated with me to speak about a beef community versus an industry,” Palmer says. “And I think that if we can come together as a community, we can overcome a lot – including misconceptions that consumers have about beef production.”

Visit RangeAndPasture.com/sustainability to listen to the panel discussion and learn how you can efficiently share your story with consumers and stakeholders.


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