Livestock Groups Challenge USDA’s Livestock Ear Tag Rule


Source: National Agricultural Law Center

The South Dakota Stockgrowers Association, Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance, and Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund United Stockgrowers of America are challenging a rule from the USDA in the U.S. District Court for the District of South Dakota.

The rule, titled the “Use of Electronic Identification Eartags as Official Identification in Cattle and Bison”, requires cattle and bison that may move across state lines to wear an electronic ear tag. In the challenge, the groups urge that the USDA has failed to adequately show a connection between the rule and the prevention of diseases in livestock.

Further, the groups cite a lack of insight into the economic impacts of the rule during its drafting. To read the complaint click here.

Additionally, the American Livestock Markets and Dealers Association has sent a letter to USDA requesting a 180 day delay in the rule’s implementation. To view the letter click here.

To learn more about animal identification, click here to visit NALC’s Animal Identification & Tracing reading room.


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