Livestock Identification and Traceability Program (TRACE) – Regulatory Update. N° 5 June 1 st , 2019


Source: Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Topic: Reporting Animal Movements

The objective of the TRACE Newsletter is to provide an overview of progress on proposed amendments to Part XV of the federal Health of Animals Regulations (hereafter referred to the “Regulations”) that pertains to livestock identification and traceability. This fifth edition focuses on one of the key elements of the regulatory proposal: reporting animal movements.

Why are amendments to the Health of Animals Regulations being proposed?

The CFIA is proposing amendments to the Health of Animals Regulations to strengthen Canada’s livestock traceability system. The proposed federal traceability regulations would require, amongst other things, reporting the animal movement to a responsible administrator for a location where, for example an animal has been received or slaughtered.

Why is reporting animal movements important?

A traceability system with information on an animal’s movements from one point to another throughout the supply chain will make it easier to control the spread of disease and minimize the impact on the industry. The proposed amendments are expected to strengthen Canada’s ability in responding quickly to health threats and other emergencies.

What information related to the movement of animals and carcasses is important in managing health issues?

The information needed to manage health issues and that would be required to be reported are referred to the “data requirements”; these requirements are described in the table below.

What would be the proposed requirements specific to animal movement? (Data requirements outlined above)

Supporting compliance for proposed requirements

Operators will not be required to use an electronic reader in order to report the identification number of an approved indicator;

Building on current provincial and federal requirements, carriers would be required to provide information to the operator of the destination on the source of animals;

Operators of a farm, a feedlot, or an agricultural fair who choose to use an electronic reader favourably reviewed by the Canadian Cattle Identification Agency to read the identification number of an approved indicator will be required to report the identification number of indicators read on the first pass, but not those not read.

When can I comment on the proposed regulations?

Following the publication of the proposed regulations in Part I of the Canada Gazette (, stakeholders will have 75 days to review and provide comment. The CFIA will review and consider all comments received prior to finalizing the regulation amendments and publishing them in Part II of the Canada Gazette.


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