Meat exports to China temporarily closed


Source: Canadian Meat Council

The Canadian Meat Council (CMC) has been informed that China will temporarily stop accepting Canadian beef and pork product, effective this evening, due to a falsified export certificate.

This document is now under investigation at CFIA and the appropriate law enforcement agencies are investigating. At this time, it is unclear why beef products have also been suspended as the falsified certificate was for a pork product. The Canadian government is seeking clarification from Chinese officials.

Meat processors, along with the entire meat and livestock industry are concerned as this will create a financial loss for our sector. Our industry will work to leverage recent trade deals to find alternatives markets for products.

To date, pork exports to China have increased 52% over the same period last year while beef exports are showing a 388% increase over last year.

  • In 2018, China was the 2nd largest market for pork exports, valued at $514.3M
  • In 2018, Beef export to China was valued at $97.3M and was Canada’s 5th largest export market

The Canadian Meat Council, the Canadian Pork Council and Canada Pork International are working closely with government officials to better understand the situation and identify potential next steps. We are aware that Canadian government officials have been in contact with their Chinese counterparts and are hopeful this will lead to a quick resolution of the issue for trade to resume.

About Canadian Meat Council:

For nearly a century, the CMC has represented Canada’s federally registered meat packers, meat processors and equipment suppliers. CMC provides evidence-based advocacy on behalf of its members and works to secure and improve Canada’s global meat competitiveness and, promote a balanced diet, which includes high-quality and nutritious Canadian meat. The Canadian red meat industry represents over 20 billion dollars to the Canadian economy and supports 288,000 jobs across Canada.



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