National Beef Strategy sees global opportunities ahead and meets industry challenges head on for 2020-24


Source: Beef Cattle Research Council

The Canadian Beef Advisors are pleased to release the 2020-24 National Beef Strategy. The strategy is designed to take advantage of the opportunities facing the industry while simultaneously addressing the challenges.

The development of the 2020-24 National Strategy has been a dynamic collaborative process engaging all industry sectors and national and provincial organizations. The Canadian Beef Advisors and provincial cattle associations believe a united industry is a stronger industry, and that a stronger industry benefits all those working in it today and into the future.

Substantial progress was made under the 2015-19 strategy and the intention is to continue building on the strengths of existing industry organizations. “The National Beef Strategy has provided real value for Canadian beef producers; it acts as a roadmap for the groups as they work together. We have set our industry up for success, now we just need to follow through.” said David Haywood-Farmer, Past Chair of the Beef Advisors.

The National Beef Strategy promotes a united approach to position the Canadian beef industry for greater profitability, growth and continued production of a high-quality beef product of choice in the world. The industry vision, mission and pillars remain unchanged from the 2015-19 strategy, but focus areas and tactics have been updated to reflect the current market and regulatory environment that producers face. The four pillars of Beef Demand, Competitiveness, Productivity and Connectivity provide a framework that supports producer viability.

Anne Wasko, Chair of the Beef Advisors notes “As global demand for all types of protein is growing there are opportunities for those with market access, supplies and a competitive cost of production.” There are exciting times ahead for agriculture as production adjusts to meet demand from a growing middle class in Asia.

The Canadian Beef Advisors consist of elected leaders and staff representation of the seven national beef organizations responsible for policy, marketing, research and sustainability. They are a diverse group of experienced industry representatives, who are responsible for advancing the strategy with the industry stakeholders, providing recommendations on future direction and reporting results against strategy goals and objectives.

Learn more about how stakeholders can achieve a dynamic and profitable Canadian cattle and beef industry at

The National Beef Strategy is a collaborative effort by Canadian national beef sector organizations including the Beef Cattle Research Council, Canadian Beef Breeds Council, Canada Beef, Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (and its provincial member associations), Canadian Meat Council, Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef, and the National Cattle Feeders’ Association.

Full Report

6-page overview

3-page summary in English and French


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