Podcast: “Antibiotics and Antimicrobials”


When it comes to cattle production, the use of antibiotics and antimicrobials at large can sometimes create pause with the consumer. How do we keep our animals safe while assuring the food is safe for the public? How do we prevent antimicrobial resistance with responsible dosing? In this episode we dig into antimicrobials within cattle production.


Dr. Joyce Van Donkersgoed

Dr. Joyce Van Donkersgoed is one of the nation’s most respected Feedlot Veterinarian and she is the Lead Consultant for the Beef Cattle Research Council; Vaccine Backgrounder, Vaccine Handling Guidelines, and Core Vaccine List author; Animal Health, Welfare & Antimicrobial Resistance lead consultant; Western Canadian Animal Health Chair; Canadian Integrated Program for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Coordinator. She is a sought-after expert consultant and speaker on antimicrobials, particularly as it relates to feedlot animal health.

Ryan Kasko

Ryan Kasko is the CEO and owner of Kasko Cattle Company feedlot. Growing up, Ryan never imagined being involved in the agriculture industry, but today he owns and operates one of the largest feedlot companies in Western Canada. He is a well respected industry advocate and the former chair of the Alberta Cattle Feeders’ Association as well as the chair of multiple Canadian Beef Industry Conferences.


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