You walk the line everyday: verify your sustainable practices today with CRSB Certified!


Source: Canadian Cattlemen’s Association

Sustainability is a word you are hearing more and more these days.  Consumers are increasingly interested in how their food is raised, and Canadian beef has a great story to tell. If you haven’t yet jumped on the sustainability train, now is the time.

Did you know you can certify your farm or ranch to the Sustainable Beef Production Standard, developed by the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (CRSB)?

AND… did you also know that if you are already certified (audited) as a VBP+ operation, you are automatically credited with CRSB certification, with the opportunity to participate in sustainable supply chains?

Momentum is growing in the marketplace – this past year alone, both McDonald’s and Harveys restaurants have launched advertising campaigns about their support of sustainable beef production by sourcing a portion of their beef from CRSB certified sustainable farms and ranches. There are now two certified processors (Cargill and Atlantic Beef Products Inc.) and an additional three processors that have had audits on their Chain of Custody systems in order to facilitate supply chains to source CRSB Certified products.

Start the certification process today to showcase the sustainable practices you already do on your operation to take advantage of market opportunities to participate in certified supply chains across Canada.  For more information, visit

Whatever method you use to market your calves this fall, if you are already CRSB Certified or audited with VBP+, make sure you promote your certification status, as buyers are looking for cattle to meet the growing demand.

Check out this video celebrating how you walk the line everyday in raising Canadian beef to be the high quality product consumers know and love.


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