Breeding Goals: Practical Genetics for Beef Production


Source: Beef Cattle Research Council,

No two beef operations in Canada are exactly the same. Factors such as climate, terrain, forage production, management style and marketing schemes will dictate the type of cattle that will perform best in your system. This webinar will discuss breeding goals and how management changes or genetics can help achieve these goals.

This webinar was held February 17, 2021 from 7-8:00pm MST.

The presenters were: Sean McGrath, Roundrock Ranching

Lance Leachman, Big Gully Farm

Video Guide: 00:00 – 03:00 : Welcome comments and agenda

03:01 – 23:00 : Breeding Goals: Are you shooting at the right net? Sean McGrath

23:43 – 1:04:45 : Practical Genetics for Beef Production including some breeding scenarios, Lance Leachman

1:04:45 – 1:14:00 : Question and Answer period


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