Alberta Beef Export Market Development Program


Source: Alberta Beef Producers

Canada Beef is pleased to announce that the Alberta Beef Export Market Development Program (ABEMP) grant is now available.

“The ABEMD program is an excellent example of a partnership between industry and government to achieve common goals and objectives,” says Mike Kennedy, Chairman, Canada Beef Market Development and Promotion Committee.

The ABEMD program is a partnership between Canada Beef (50%), Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (25%) and the Alberta Beef Industry (25%). The new program provides cost-shared funding support for eligible Alberta Beef representative company-initiated projects and activities in five broad-based categories essential for achieving diversification through export market growth. The program is now available for eligible activities from November 1, 2019 to March 31, 2022 and represents $2 million in partnership investments to expand the Alberta Beef industry.

“This program comes at a time when global demand for high-quality beef is booming and competition for market share is fierce. Exports are growing and Canadian beef supply partners are ready and able to deliver,” says Michael Young, President Canada Beef.

ABEMD Program Goals:

  1. Increase Alberta beef export volume, value and market access.
  2. Improve Alberta beef competitive position in new and existing markets and value-added sectors of opportunity growth in the export marketplace.
  3. Increase the awareness and confidence in Canadian beef quality, food safety, quality assurance and sustainability.

ABEMD Program Objectives:

  1. Provide collaborative programs and services that enable and encourage Alberta beef representative companies to develop aggressive export growth strategies.
  2. Invest in volume and value creation sales and marketing programs that deliver commercial results and measurable ROI.
  3. Forge partnerships with Alberta beef representative companies and end-user customers to enable Alberta beef brands to become an integral part of premium quality exports to international markets.

For more information about the Alberta Beef Export Market Development, program contact:
Michael Young, President, Canada Beef
403.275.9288 ext. 205


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