New amendment to the Canadian Beef, Bison and Veal Carcass Grade Requirements effective January 15, 2020


Source: Canadian Beef Grading Agency

The Canadian Beef Grading Agency (CBGA) is responsible for the delivery of grading service for beef, bison and veal carcasses in Canada. The grade names and grade standards for these carcasses are found in the document entitled ‘’Beef, Bison and Veal Carcass Grade Requirements’’. The CBGA is also responsible for the administration of this document including the ongoing management and proposals for amendments to the document from time to time. To manage proposed amendments to the standards from interested parties, the CBGA has developed a transparent and credible process to ensure that proposed amendments are available for broad stakeholder feedback, the impacts are properly considered, a suitable public comment period is provided, and there is broad support for the proposed amendment. Once these conditions are met these amendments can be finalized in a timely fashion. Grade standard requirements outlined in the ‘’Beef, Bison and Veal Carcass Grade Requirements’’ document have legal force since the document is incorporated by reference into the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations, administered and enforced by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.


A new amendment effective January 15th, 2020 increasing the maximum weight for veal is listed in the Beef, Bison and Veal Carcass Grade Requirements document published January 9, 2020 (link below). Document Jan9 2020.pdf


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