APAS calls on government to respond to drought


Outlines actions needed to address situation

The Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan has proposed several steps that need to be taken to help the province’s producers cope with current drought conditions.

“APAS is calling on both levels of government to initiate a drought-related AgriRecovery assessment. For many producers, 2019 is our third straight year of below average moisture,” said APAS president Todd Lewis. “We can’t just keep hoping for rain. It is time to act.”

APAS has asked government to assist with water supplies and water quality management, designate the entire province as eligible for the Federal Livestock Tax Deferral program, and create a provincial Drought Committee of government and industry representatives to monitor drought conditions and oversee assistance measures.

APAS would also like Saskatchewan Crop Insurance to consider a new program that will encourage the conversion of drought-damaged cereal crops into livestock feed such as green feed, silage or grazing.

“Producers across the province are under considerable stress,” Lewis added. “The government may not be able to make it rain, but there are concrete actions that can be taken to alleviate some of the burden producers are dealing with.”

Please click here to view the plan that has been submitted to government.


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