Source: Livestock Gentec Background: The Canadian beef industry is challenged to remain globally competitive while improving efficiency and sustainability. To address these challenges, the beef industry must continue to evolve using advanced technologies such as genomics. Decreasing genotyping cost has...
Source: Kansas State University news release New research at Kansas State University reveals how probiotics may not be as beneficial for animal and human health as thought. Probiotics, in most uses, are organisms considered to be beneficial for gut health in...
Source: University of Saskatchewan RESEARCHERS Genetic and genomic factors influencing gestational length in beef cattle Dr. Mika Asai-Coakwell (PhD), College of Agriculture and Bioresources, University of Saskatchewan College of Agriculture and Bioresources, University of Saskatchewan: Dr. Bart Lardner (PhD), Dr. Greg Penner...
Source: OMAFRA By: Kristin Lee, Jasper Munro, Ricardo Ventura, Flavio Schenkel, Gordon Vander Voort, Angela Cánovas Over the past several decades, the global consumption of animal protein has doubled, and is expected to double again by the year 2050, when the global population...
Source: Holstein Canada Genetic Traits and Colour Codes Gene Name Description Gene and Expression Code BY Brachyspina (causes abortion & stillborn, shortened spinal cord, long legs & abnormal organs) BYC = tested carrier of Brachyspina BYF = tested non-carrier of Brachyspina CVM Complex Vertebral Malformation (causes still-born calves, abortions, and early...
Source: University of Alberta, By Bev Betkowski U of A team will pinpoint genetic traits that could increase grazing efficiency while protecting pastures. A new University of Alberta research project could help ranchers customize their cattle to the type of pastures...
Source: Alberta Beef Producers “Whole-genome positional candidate gene association analysis for fat deposition and carcass merit in beef cattle using a high-density SNP marker set” PROJECT NO.: 0007-039 RESEARCH INSTITUTION: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and University of Alberta LEAD RESEARCHER: Dr. Changxi Li Background: New...
Source: Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives The role of purebred breeders is to improve the genetic quality of the seedstock cattle that they sell to commercial beef producers. Expected progeny differences (EPDs) have become a popular genetic improvement tool...
Source: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Canadian beef producers have a tremendous opportunity to meet the increasing global demand for high quality animal protein products. However, high feed costs and inconsistent quality remain significant challenges. Research has...
Source: Canadian Beef Breeds Council Results Driven Agriculture Research (RDAR) has invested $640,000 in a collaborative research project with the Canadian Beef Improvement Network (CBIN) to springboard the development of a unified, standardized, and producer-accessible beef cattle genetics data platform. Through...
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