Now that school is out for the summer, many rural teenagers can be found in the barn working with their livestock projects, and taking them to summer shows and county fairs.
When cattle are co-mingled at these events, they can...
Source: Verified Beef Production Plus
Antimicrobials have been important tools in the control of infectious diseases since the 1950s. Their use in veterinary medicine has improved the health and welfare of animals. Antimicrobial use has also contributed to the production...
Source: Emissions Reduction Alberta
Between beef and dairy, there are more than 3.5 million head of cattle in Alberta—that’s over 40 per cent of Canada’s national herd.
Each one burps.
And, each burp releases methane, a greenhouse gas (GHG) 30 times more...
Source: Government of Manitoba
Sandcracks are a vertical fissure or split on the front claw (usually affecting the outside claw) of beef cows. The cause is not clearly understood however; nutrition, pasture management, cow age and weight play a role...
Source: Beef Cattle Research Council,
Changes to the Transport of Animals Regulations (Part XII of the Health of Animals Regulations) came into effect in February of 2020 and are being actively enforced.
There are four major changes in the new regulations...
Bringing By-O-reg+ and other leading-edge all-natural solutions to boost profits for Canadian producers.
Canadian farmers across cattle, swine, and poultry sectors are poised to benefit from an expanded availability of innovative feed technology solutions supporting animal health, performance, and profitability.
Source: Canadian Food Inspection Agency
1. Manage & minimize animal movement risks
1A. Manage Commingling:
1A.1. Segregate and, when warranted, vaccinate, test, and otherwise treat, incoming animals.
1A.2. Obtain and share information about commingled animals with previous and future owners.
Source: National Farm Animal Care Council, Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Beef Cattle Section 1.1.1
Beef cattle in Canada are housed in a variety of ways depending on age, size, and reproductive state. Systems may include...
Source: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
“Discarded batteries that have gone through several freeze-thaw cycles and no longer have intact cases are the most dangerous,” says Dr. Joe Kendall, veterinary toxicologist with Alberta Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Economic Development. “The lead...
Source: Canadian Food Inspection Agency
This checklist will help you to identify areas of potential risk on your farm. The approach will be different on each farm and not all questions are equal in terms of the risks they address.