Source: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry Overview Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is an extremely contagious and severe viral disease. It can cause incredible losses in cloven-hoofed livestock and wildlife species, including cattle, pigs, wild boar, sheep, bison, elk, deer and llamas....
by Bob Yirka , A team of researchers at the University of Zurich has found that domestication of cows has led to reduction in cow brain size. In their paper published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, the group...
A golden opportunity to treat Bovine Respiratory Disease and control its fever in one dose. Learn more
Source: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Lead is the most common cause of cattle poisoning in Alberta. Hundreds of animals in the province die each year or perform poorly after accidentally ingesting lead. Gradual poisoning may also occur in areas with...
Source: Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives Severe Restriction of Roughage Producers may need to severely restrict the amount of roughage fed daily. What is critical is the minimum amount that can be fed to the various classes of livestock which...
Source: Government of Alberta “Effective grazing management relies on fencing to keep livestock out of neighbouring pastures and off major highways,” says Azam Nikzad, market analyst/coordinating researcher with the Alberta government. “Well-designed fences not only enhance animal comfort and productivity...
Source: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry Why is Vitamin Supplementation required? Vitamin A, D, and E, are fat soluble vitamins that are required in a properly balanced feeding program; Vitamin A is important for bone development, sight, and soft tissue maintenance. Deficiencies can...
Source: Kansas State University news release A new study by Kansas State University finds that feeding cattle industrial hemp may have a beneficial effect on their welfare: a reduction in stress and increasing the times when they lie down. "Cattle experience...
Source: Beef Cattle Research Council, There are many different methods of calving cows and there is no single perfect system. For some producers, adopting the Sandhills Calving System has improved herd health and time management at a busy time of year. Named by...
Source: Beef Cattle Research Council, Stage of Production Nutritional requirements of beef cattle are influenced by the stage of production. This production cycle, which is based upon a well-managed, healthy cow in good condition (Body Condition Score = 3)...
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