Source: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs "Differences of opinion exist regarding the role of molds and mycotoxins in livestock problems basically because their effects on animal health and production are still in a grey area". (Seglar &...

Winter feed supplies

Source: Government of Saskatchewan Hay Perennial forages require plentiful moisture by early May to yield well later in the year. Don't wait for the first hay growth to develop into a good crop after a dry spring. Perennial forages should be cut...
Source: Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives Replacement heifers are the future of your cow herd. Proper nutritional management will ensure heifers are an adequate size and in good body condition at breeding time. It is generally recommended that heifers be...
Source: Beef Cattle Research Council, With cattle feed being swathed, harvested, or already in the silage bunk or bale now is the time to start thinking about testing feed. Although it is best to feed test as close as...
Source: Ontario Farm Animal Council Cattle can sometimes be difficult to move and handle. Aggressive, stubborn, frightened or stressed cattle can all be unique challenges! It has been proven that people who invest in learning proper cattle handling techniques can save...

Extreme cold

Source: National Farm Animal Care Council, Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Beef Cattle Section 1.1.2 Although cattle can generally tolerate colder temperatures if acclimatized, wet cattle (especially newborn calves), cattle in poor body condition, and cattle...
Source: Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives So you’ve got all your feed put up, know how much you’ve got and now want to determine how to best use it to feed your animals.  To do so, feed testing and...
Source: Beef Cattle Research Council Project Title: Effect of age and handling on pain assessment and mitigation of common painful routine management practices Researchers: Karen Schwartzkopf-Genswein, Ph.D. and Ed Pajor, Karen Schwartzkopf-Genswein, Ph.D. (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada) and Ed Pajor, Ph.D. (University of...
Source: Farm & Food Care Ontario Body condition scoring (BCS) can be used to assist producers with balancing feed requirements for beef cattle. It is critical to identify cows with poor body condition scores early to make important treatment or...
Source: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Summary Digital dermatitis is a painful foot condition causing lameness. The disease has been associated with several different bacteria, primarily a group of bacteria called Treponema spp. These bacteria survive best in...
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