Source: BioZyme news release The two most vital nutrients in a cow's diet are energy and protein. Energy plays a very key role in the reproductive and lactation process, calf growth, weaning and overall performance. However, without the proper amount...
Source: Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives This Information was prepared at the end of July and since then prices of grains have changed.  This article is for information only and that if you are interested in exploring any of...
Source: Government of Saskatchewan Body condition scoring is a management tool designed to assess body reserves or fat accumulation of an animal. It is a great method for critically examining the nutritional status of your herd. Body condition scoring is...
Source: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Introduction Dry weather during corn silking and pollination can significantly reduce grain yield expectations. Inadequate moisture can result in poor ear fill or even corn plants without any ear or grain. In...
Source: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Soaring summer temperatures not only affect humans, but cattle as well. Heat stress is hard on livestock, especially in combination with high humidity. Heat stress is defined as any combination of temperature, humidity, radiation and wind...
Source: University of Nebraska Anytime drought occurs, times are difficult for livestock producers. However, avoid management practices that would lead to "panic", mass selling of livestock. Our comments for your consideration are as follows. Calves could be early-weaned. Take the...
Source: Iowa State University, Dr. Grant Dewell, ISU Beef Extension Veterinarian As temperatures heat up during the summer cattle producers need to assess the heat stress that their cattle are under. Typically pastured cattle are not as susceptible to heat stress as...
Source: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, The nutritional quality of feeds and forage can have a tremendous influence on the reproductive performance of cattle. Although reproductive failure may occur for several reasons, management and the environment are often important contributing factors....


Source: Government of Saskatchewan Cause of Anthrax Anthrax is a bacterial disease caused by Bacillus anthracis. When an animal dies of anthrax, spores can form by bacteria either being discharged from the animal or exposed to oxygen after opening the carcass....
PROTECTION FOR CALVES AGAINST THE LEADING CAUSE OF BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA AND TWO MAJOR CAUSES OF BOVINE RESPIRATORY DISEASE Zoetis Canada announces the launch of ONE SHOT BVD, for protection against Mannheimia haemolytica— the primary cause of bacterial pneumonia and the...
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