Source: Pennsylvania State University
Author: Daniel M. Kniffen
The high cost of feed grains and many high-protein grains may make the use of urea as a protein source very cost-effective in many cattle diets. Several issues must be considered, though, to...
Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
Reduced feeding costs can increase profit
The significant costs associated with feeding the beef cow have a major impact on the size of the cow-calf sector. High land prices and decreased forage production have...
Continuous monitoring critical to uphold performance and profitability, says Rob Patterson
Understanding detection options is critical for feed producers and farmers to protect feed against trypsin inhibitor exposure – an unintended consequence of using alternative soybean ingredients that can reduce...
Source: North Dakota State University
John Dhuyvetter, Area Extension Livestock Specialist
North Central Research Extension Center
Beef cows are generally wintered most economically on rations consisting primarily of roughage. Grain, however, provides a concentrated highly digestible source of energy that can be fed...
Source: Source: Government of Saskatchewan
The nutrients contained in roughage are determined by their stage of maturity at harvest. Generally, the earlier the stage of harvest, the higher the energy and protein content will be. Digestibility and palatability will also be...
Rising use of non-traditional soybean ingredients comes with risk, says feed expert.
As cost pressures across the feed industry drive more feed producers and farmers to alternative soybean ingredients, more awareness is needed on the risk of exposure to trypsin...
Source: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
What is vitamin E?
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that is required for animal growth, to maintain immune function, animal health, and prevent muscular dystrophy in young calves.
Do feeds have adequate amounts of vitamin E?
Source: South Dakota State University Extension
Author: Julie Walker, Professor & SDSU Extension Beef Specialist
Additional Author: Warren Rusche
Recent shifts in feed price may provide producers with an opportunity to reduce feed costs. Corn grain prices have been declining, with hay prices increasing....
Source: VBP+
It makes sense to consider salvaging cereal crops normally intended for grain for livestock for feed when disaster strikes, but potential residue from chemical use should be a consideration.
Crops intended for grain, when faced with damage, can be...
New research and solutions unveiled at Animal Nutrition Conference of Canada in Montreal
New research and solutions unveiled by CBS Bio Platforms at the Animal Nutrition Conference of Canada (ANCC), May 9-11 in Montreal, bolster a growing body of knowledge...