Source: University of Missouri, C. Tim Schnakenberg With a shortage of standing forage for cattle and the low availability of hay, it is more important than ever this winter to reduce waste when feeding hay. Hay waste is normal, but it can...
Source: Michigan State University Extension, Jerad Jaborek Your eyes may be tricking you into believing whole shelled corn digestion is inefficient. Can cattle digest whole shelled corn? To answer this question, we must first have a basic understanding of corn kernel...
Source: Oklahoma State University By Paul Beck, David Lalman Rural landowners often are interested in raising livestock to slaughter for personal consumption, local marketing or for normal commodity markets. Advantages to raising your own beef include having control over calf quality...
Undoubtedly, 2022 has had its fair share of challenges thus far. High input prices likely led to fewer hay acres being fertilized, which with the added pressure of drought, can lead to lower quality and quantity of stored forages...
Part of ‘battening down the hatches’ in the face of global disruptions, rising costs Taking steps to mitigate mycotoxins and other contaminants in feed is a top priority post-harvest 2022, as feed mills and livestock farmers seek to get the...
Resiliency of Asia Pacific region supported by new innovations in feed technology New solutions and strategies for ‘stacking technologies’ are set to open new doors of opportunity for livestock industries across the Asia Pacific region. The latest innovations are showcased at...
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