Source: Ohio State University, Dr. Michelle Arnold, UK Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
“Reproductive failure” is an all-encompassing term if a cow loses a calf during pregnancy or if she fails to get pregnant. Causes of reproductive failure are frequently divided into infectious...
Source: University of Missouri Extension
Scott Poock
Extension Veterinarian, College of Veterinary Medicine
Jordan Thomas
Assistant Professor, Animal Sciences
Emily Smith
Graduate Research Assistant, Animal Sciences
An excellent herd health program is an important component of overall management for reproductive efficiency, as health can significantly impact...
Source: K-State Research and Extension, Lisa Moser
Every carpenter knows that having the right tool for the job allows the finished project to be the best it can be, and part of the decision about which tool to use comes...
Source: University of Missouri
Bill Lamberson
Professor, Animal Sciences
Jordan Thomas
Assistant Professor, Animal Sciences
Crossbreeding in commercial beef cattle production improves efficiency through heterosis and breed complementation (Figure 1). Heterosis or hybrid vigor is an advantage in performance of crossbreds compared to the...
Source: University of Arkansas
Generally success or failure in the cow/calf business depends to a large extent upon doing the right things at the right times. This is especially true when it comes to beef cattle reproduction management. Reproduction is...