Source: Ohio State University, Dr. Michelle Arnold, UK Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
“Reproductive failure” is an all-encompassing term if a cow loses a calf during pregnancy or if she fails to get pregnant. Causes of reproductive failure are frequently divided into infectious...
Source: EmGenisys, Inc. news release
The latest patent issued to EmGenisys, Inc., an animal health company that aims to improve success rates in embryo transfer (ET) and in vitro fertilization (IVF) for cattle producers, will be a game changer for...
Source: University of Missouri Extension
Scott Poock
Extension Veterinarian, College of Veterinary Medicine
Jordan Thomas
Assistant Professor, Animal Sciences
Emily Smith
Graduate Research Assistant, Animal Sciences
An excellent herd health program is an important component of overall management for reproductive efficiency, as health can significantly impact...
Source: The Pennsylvania State University
So you have decided to synchronize a group of cows or heifers! That's great but before attempting this be sure to consider a few things. What is the goal you want to achieve by synchronizing...
Source: Olds College
Researchers at the Technology Access Centre for Livestock Production (TACLP) at Olds College of Agriculture & Technology have performed two years of research that shows adopting handling acclimation procedures leads to heifers having a greater pregnancy rate —...
Source: Utah State University
Breeding Soundness Exam
Whether a first-time buyer or a veteran producer, bull selection usually turns up a series of questions for the potential purchaser. The breeding soundness exam (BSE) and expected progeny differences (EPD) are informational sources...
Source: Utah State University
Reproduction could be considered the most important production trait on a cow-calf operation. Economic outputs are sustained when cattle rebreed and calve every year in a timely manner. However, when cattle are unable to rebreed efficiently,...
Source: University of Maryland Extension, Sarah Potts
The overall goal for a seasonal cow-calf operation should be to have cows calve roughly every 365 days (or once per year). Some management tools, such as estrus synchronization programs, can be used to...
Source: University of Florida, Jonael Bosques
Did you know that Florida ranks 9th in the nation when it comes to cow-calf numbers? Beef cattle production was instrumental in building Florida’s economy. Our state was the first to have a beef industry,...
Source: K-State Research and Extension, Lisa Moser
Every carpenter knows that having the right tool for the job allows the finished project to be the best it can be, and part of the decision about which tool to use comes...