Source: Michigan State University Extension, Jerad Jaborek Over the course of the year the number of natural daylight hours changes from 9 to 16 hours in Michigan, with the shortest day in mid-December and the longest day in mid-June. Previous...
Source: Livestock Gentec Background: Constant improvement of beef production efficiency and quality is essential to enhance the competitiveness of the beef industry. A key strategy to improve beef production efficiency and quality is to manage the genetics of the whole...
Source: RDAR Outcomes of this research will enable livestock producers to access a package of heifer molecular breeding data on traits that are economic importance to them. This research will provide livestock owners a more complete picture of heifer value...
Source: University of Arkansas The little things living in a calf's nose could be key to combating bovine respiratory disease, the single most costly illness affecting the beef industry. Jiangchao Zhao, associate professor of animal science at the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment...
Source: Oklahoma State University Scientists in the Oklahoma State University Department of Animal and Food Sciences are working hard to stop the waste of billions of dollars of beef each year. The U.S. beef industry loses $3 billion annually to meat discoloration. When...
Source: North Dakota State University ENERGY AND PROTEIN CONTENT OF FEED BARLEY Barley grain is used primarily as an energy and protein source in beef cattle diets. The nutrient content of barley (Table 1) compares favorably with that of corn, oats, wheat, sorghum...
Source: Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics Abstract The objective of this study was to determine whether response to selection for carcass weight (CW), conformation (CC) and fat (CF), and the association between heterosis and carcass performance varied by herd environment in...
Source: University of Alberta, Bev Betkowski A new University of Alberta project is, for the first time, harnessing information from thousands of soil samples into one big database to get an idea of how healthy the province’s agricultural soils are. The...
Source: University of Illinois news release Like the virus that causes COVID-19, pathogens that attack crops change constantly to evade host immunity, or disease resistance in plant parlance. Sometimes, a single gene makes the difference between a resistant crop and...
Source: Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives Dr. Wenzhu Yang of AAFC's Lethbridge Research Centre is investigating the use of cinnamaldehyde, a plant essential oil from cinnamon bark, as a possible alternative to ionophore antibiotics in feedlot finishing systems. Intensive feedlot finishing...
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