Source: Beef Cattle Research Council,, Cover crops, also referred to as polycrops or cocktail crops, are receiving a lot of media hype for their potential for grazing and claims related to reduced inputs and improved soil health. Jillian Bainard,...
Everything in life is a trade off: Marry the woman of your dreams; then brace for the in-laws. Fortunately, genomics has the potential to change the rules when it comes to beef cattle, enabling producers to enjoy the upside...
Service clattered to its feet with Telex, now running with mobile technology For a fledging Western Canadian livestock feeding industry in late 1960s and early 1970s, any independent means to discover the price of slaughter cattle was a very useful...
As we look forward to the upcoming forage season, late winter is a good time to plan forage harvest and storage options. Perhaps you are feeding hay and having to remove a crusted outer layer from hay stored outside....
We sometimes associate cause and effect without knowing the real link, or as an academic buzz phrase has it, “correlation does not equal causation.” A quick search provides a humorous example. Did you know ice cream sales and shark...
Source: Beef Cattle Research Council,, The profile of plant-based proteins has grown exponentially over the past decade. Food companies are investing heavily in the development of new vegetarian and vegan products like new meatless burgers made from peas, which are...
CAB annual conference inspires beef marketers   I’m not all that fancy. I grew up wearing second-hand clothes and riding in farm trucks. My siblings and I thought the Super 8 was an upscale motel because they had a pool. Still...
Source: The BlissBrush in Action COWBRUSH.COM I recently came across a fascinating product aimed at dairy farmers. Check out the video below, which shows a cow enjoying the product, called the BlissBrush, which is designed to help dairy cows reduce stress, enjoy...
Published on Mar 29, 2019 Some highlights from this week's Weekly Livestock Market Update: •This week in the markets - Cash fed cattle were down more than $3.50 this week and cash feeder cattle sales were steady to $1 lower. The...
Our job as faculty and extension specialists is to assist producers in their chosen industry. Some ways we can assist them are by improving animal health, decreasing costs, increasing productivity, and helping them stay sustainable in an ever-changing global...
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