As spring nears, a young student’s thoughts turn to classic rites of passage: spring break; convocation; projects on retained heterozygosity. Though that last one may not be for everybody, it was front and centre for 30 third-year veterinary medicine...
Nutrients from agriculture can be lost to the atmosphere as gaseous emissions such as ammonia, nitrous oxide, nitric oxide and dinitrogen.  Other forms of nutrients, such as nitrates, may also be lost by leaching down into soils and possibly...
Published on Feb 1, 2019 A special edition of the Weekly Livestock Market Update was taped during the 2019 Cattle Industry Convention in New Orleans. Brownfield’s Meghan Grebner spoke with Don Close from Rabo AgriFinance about what happened this week in...
You don’t have to tell people who make their living from the land that treating it poorly is just bad business. Ranchers have been leading conservation efforts for generations. Yet, you’d have to have had your head in the...
Animal welfare issues have been discussed and reviewed in the past. Lately, transportation of livestock has come under scrutiny. This article will offer a veterinarian’s perspective and provide ways to improve transport decision-making for your operation. Transportation is mainly about...
Canada’s beef cattle spend most of their lives on open pasture, but for the last few months of their lives, most move to a feedlot for finishing. At the feedlot a great deal of care, attention and science goes...
If you think finding the right gift for the right person is a challenge, try matching beef cattle genes with the traits they control. In large part, that’s the challenge being faced, and embraced, by scientists as they apply...
Published on Dec 14, 2018 Some highlights from this week's Weekly Livestock Market Update: •This week in the markets - Live cattle about steady for the week. Cash feeder cattle prices range from $2 to $8 higher. The February live cattle...
In 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) recognized the increased development of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) as a global crisis. Dr Keiji Fukuda, Assistant Director-General of WHO stated, “Without urgent, coordinated action by many stakeholders, the world is headed for...
We’ve dubbed it the “smiling house.” On my family’s regular route through the Sandhills, there’s a lonely old place, rain and time have left the wood devoid of color. Yet, with its classic, square farmhouse design—and a little imagination—its two...
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