he Issues Management Monthly column highlights the work being done to address beef industry issues by Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) staff, featuring Manager, Public and Stakeholder Engagement Tom Lynch-Staunton. This is Tom’s final installment in this series. A recent opinion...
This week, we’re exploring recent changes to federal regulations that will help ease the trade in live cattle between Canada and the United States. It’s a follow-up to an earlier post in which we explained why trade with the...
Published on Sep 7, 2018 Some highlights from this week's Weekly Livestock Market Update: •This week in markets - Fed cattle prices were $.75 higher this week, while feeder cattle prices were steady to $4 higher on the shortened trading week...
While crystal balls may have their place in seeing the future, they tend to raise eyebrows in a professional setting. Fortunately, researchers on the Genome Alberta project to improve carcass quality and feed efficiency in beef cattle have a...
Toe tip necrosis syndrome (TTNS), a painful disease that mainly affects the hind feet of cattle, was once thought to be a rare occurrence in North American feedlots. But based on recent studies conducted at the Western College of Veterinary...
Source: Beef Cattle Research Council, How three 5% changes increase increase profit by more than 300%  A “precision rancher” is someone who, recognizing that agriculture operates on small margins, utilizes every technology, production practice and management technique that is appropriate for...
Source: Canadian Cattlemen's Association The Issues Management Monthly column highlights the work being done to address beef industry issues by Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) staff, featuring Manager, Public and Stakeholder Engagement Tom Lynch-Staunton.  On April 1, 2018 we entered into a...
These are interesting times in the beef industry. Our producers face numerous challenges such as declining cattle numbers across the world and consumer concerns about environmental impacts and animal welfare. At the same time, new markets, including those in...
Source:  Beef Cattle Research Council, Editor’s note: The following is the first in a two-part series on low stress weaning. In part two, you’ll hear directly from producers with large herds that use these methods. There is way more to it...
Some highlights from this week's Weekly Livestock Market Update: - This week in markets - Fed cattle are down on the week on light trade volume. Feeder cattle ended the week steady to $3 higher. Choice box beef price fell...
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