CCA Statement on Canadian beef exports to China


Source: Canadian Cattlemen’s Association

The Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) has learned that effective yesterday no new Canadian meat export certificates for China will be issued due to the discovery of a falsified Canadian pork export certificate. We understand the suspension will be temporary and that the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and other appropriate law enforcement agencies are currently investigating. We believe that shipments that are already in transit to China will be allowed to pass through customs.

It is unclear why beef products have been included in this suspension. The Canadian government is seeking clarification from Chinese officials.

In terms of immediate impact, shipments of Canadian beef to China represented 2.6 per cent of Canada’s total beef exports last year. In 2018, Canadian beef exports to Mainland China were up 19 per cent in volume and 15 per cent in value at 10,300 tonnes valued at $97 million. In the first quarter of 2019, exports to Mainland China were up 445 per cent in volume and 428 per cent in value at 5,300 tonnes valued at $48 million.

The CCA will work closely with the Government of Canada to resume stable trade as quickly as possible.


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