CRSB Launches Review and Update of the Certified Sustainable Beef Framework


Source: Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef


When it launched in 2017, the CRSB committed to reviewing the CRSB Certified Sustainable Beef Framework every five years. As part of its review and update, CRSB has engaged Wilton Consulting Group to conduct the stakeholder engagement portion of the project.

We are looking for feedback on what aspects of the Framework work well and what could be optimized. We want stakeholders to share their thoughts on emerging trends that could influence the effectiveness of the program. Over the course of the consultations between now and September 2021, there will be several opportunities to participate in the process, through stakeholder interviews, interactive workshops and surveys, that will help to refine draft recommendations.

Along with these stakeholder engagement activities, NSF International is also conducting standard-to-standard and program-to-program level benchmarking comparisons. The results of this analysis will be presented at the workshop on June 16.

As part of the CRSB’s commitment to continual improvement, regular review of the Framework will maintain the Canadian beef sector’s position as a global leader in sustainability, as part of the thriving, resilient food system.

Workshop #1
CRSB encourages all interested parties to participate in this workshop; registration is open to both members and non-members. To help us plan the breakout groups, registration has an advance deadline of June 8, and a few registration questions will help ensure diverse, effective discussion groups. 

Following registration approval, you will receive a confirmation email with the meeting information.

Date: Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Time: 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. MT/11 a.m. to 1 p.m. EDT
Where: Online via Zoom

Register here.
Registration deadline: Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Why attend?

CRSB relies on the engagement of its members and other interested parties to ensure the Framework continues to meet the industry’s needs. This workshop provides an early opportunity for you to participate in the review of the Framework.

Workshop participants will discuss what aspects of the Framework work well and what aspects could be optimized. Participants will also explore emerging trends that could influence the effectiveness of the program.

The workshop will be a fun and interactive way to share your insights.

Please contact Wilton Consulting Group with any questions.

Register for Workshop
We look forward to connecting with you on June 16!
Reminder: Projects Inventory Survey 

Deadline: May 31, 2021

This is a reminder that the CRSB’s Annual Project Inventory Survey is open until May 31. We encourage all to consider projects that you and your colleagues and stakeholders may be working on that align with the strategic goals of the National Beef Sustainability Strategy, and submit them for inclusion in our online projects inventory.

Open to all.

For details on instructions for submissions, criteria and to submit one or more projects, please visit the Projects Inventory webpage.

Nominate a Project


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