Government of Canada invests over $50 million to help the agricultural sector address emerging challenges and opportunities


Source: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Canada’s agriculture and agri-food system contributes over $114 billion to our gross domestic product, and provides safe, nutritious and sustainable food for the world, while creating well-paying jobs for our middle class. The sector is working hard to find innovative approaches to respond to growing domestic and global demand while addressing emerging challenges and maintaining its environmental sustainability.

Today while celebrating Canada’s Agriculture Day with farmers, ranchers, food processors, industry leaders and youth in Ottawa, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Lawrence MacAulay announced the new Canadian Agricultural Strategic Priorities Program (CASPP), an investment of $50.3 million over five years. Funding available through this program will help facilitate the sector’s ability to address emerging issues and capitalize on opportunities.

The CASPP focuses on four priority areas: adoption of new technology; environmental sustainability; strategic development and capacity building; and, emerging issues. Examples of potential projects could include those addressing artificial intelligence technology, tools to assess future labour and skills needs, bio-crops, environmentally sustainable farming techniques and strategies to help the sector adapt to changes in consumer preferences.

The program also builds on other Government of Canada initiatives to support competitiveness and sustainability in the agricultural sector. These include the $3-billion, five-year Canadian Agricultural Partnership, $70 million announced in Budget 2018 to support agricultural discoveries in science and innovation to address climate change and soil and water conservation, the $25 million Agricultural Clean Technologies Program, and the Strategic Innovation Fund.


“Canada’s agricultural sector is strong and growing. Our farmers know that to stay competitive and on the cutting edge we need to continue to adapt and develop new and innovative approaches to agriculture. The Government of Canada is committed to supporting the sector find new ways to respond to new and emerging issues, and seize new market opportunities.”
– Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food

Quick facts

  • The Canadian Agricultural Strategic Priorities Program is a $50.3 million, five-year investment to help the agricultural sector adapt and remain competitive. The new program replaces the Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program.
  • Applicants may apply at any point during the life of the program, until available funds have been fully allocated.
  • Projects must be national in scope or deal with cross-sectoral issues. Applications for the program are now being accepted online.


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